Trips to let go

Explore, express & celebrate


Conducted by Baljit.


Trips to let go are designed to explore some of the most awe-inspiring places in India. Our Trips are a place to make new friends and join other people to travel. People from all walks of life sign up for our trips. On our trips we get together and create a space to be our true selves –uninhibited and spontaneous. The primary intention of “trips to let go” is unrestrained expression of our feelings and creativity.

Our trips are much more than traveling to new places. These trips are an endeavor to create a space to feel a sense of togetherness in a much deeper and loving way then we usually do. There is so much fun possible while being with each other if only we could feel safe enough to drop our guards and be ourselves. In Trips to let go trips we try to hold this space of unconditional love and acceptance for each other so that we can let-out completely, express ourselves, break free, do crazy things, move, shake, sing, stretch, dance, scream, laugh, cry and learn to flow.

We are conditioned early in our lives to live in control and behave ourselves all the time. This kills our spontaneity and makes us extremely self conscious. We feel repressed and helplessly so, at times we feel like really letting out, screaming, crying, expressing our anger, laughing our guts out or being like a child doing funny things however the thought of other’s reactions keeps us in control and we continue to live in frustration and repression and eventually a life of learned disconnection from our true being.

I have felt this repression and inhibition much deeply in my life journey. I have felt that there is actually very little space in this culture to let out and be spontaneous without the fear of being judged. I know very well how it feels to judged by others along with the ever present internal judge and jury in our heads. I have really longed to be amidst friends where I could let-out and be myself. I know how therapeutic and essential it is to express oneself.

These feelings have motivated me to organize tours where people can get together and let themselves loose. I have planned to combine two things, which give me the greatest joy i.e to organize trips and to be with others.

Our trips contain a multitude of experiences. They include the thrill of going down a hill on a mountain bike, the feelings of deep relaxation and trance induced by endorphins after a strenuous hike, the bliss of a relaxing massage, the experience of loosing oneself in dance at the end of the day, fulfillment and togetherness experienced while participating in group activities or pampering your taste buds with an exotic meal.

They are truly a lifetime experience and that’s what we are trying to create. It’s a trailer to what is truly possible in our lives, enormous joy and happiness awaits us if only we knew how. WE CAN HAVE SO MUCH FUN TOGETHER !!

Our modern lives are becoming increasingly stressful and that is no joke. Our lives are repressed, our relationships are impersonal, our culture is controlling and life is so fast paced that we don’t even get a chance to stop and think if we actually want to do what we are doing. We are so deeply trapped in our conditioning and expectations of the society that we forget that we are free and we do have a choice. We continue to live with hurts, grief; anger and rage that keeps accumulating layer by layer. We helplessly choose to wear masks and go on with it until we start feeling nauseated. We use food, alcohol, co-dependent relationships, sex, money, and power to seek happiness but that only goes so far.

Trips to Let go include a lot of fun activities to express ourselves and celebrate life to its fullest. Above all we learn to love ourselves and other. We try to take steps however small they may be, towards dropping our guards and being more spontaneous. We learn to restore spontaneity in our lives and begin to accept ourselves and others just the way we are, without any judgment. Just coming to our trips with this intent in our heart can create a very healing and vibrant space.

Each trip is a mix of various activities each one aimed at expressing ourselves and experiencing deep fulfillment.

There are activities to push us beyond our comfort zone such a strenuous bike ride, team activities to accomplish a common goal, activities to let go and release such as dance, music, active meditation’s, laughter and other innovative exercises to this end, activities to nurture ourselves such as a h ot water Epsom bath or a relaxing massage, recreational activities such as sports and games, various meditations and yoga to still the mind and experience deeper spiritual states and activities to discover and understand oneself - this involves ideas using from modern psychology and exercises such as Writing, dreaming, introspection, sharing, role playing and readings……and last but not the least we have celebrations and feasts.

These trips could well be for a lot of people a new beginning on the path of self discovery and a place to find more love and expression for those already following their own paths.

On trips to let go we take full responsibility for ourselves and keep mutual respect and safety of others in mind. So we do our own things while giving gentle attention to each other. We thus create a safe and loving space for exploring our own selves. Such a space of gentle attention, non-judgment, love and togetherness believe can be way more powerful in healing and transforming ourselves than anyone can ever imagine. A thousand days of meditation cannot do what a few hours of uninhibited expression and feeling loved can do to a being.

These trips are a platform to make new friendships based on a shared purpose, These can result in long lasting relationships.

These trips are especially for people –men as well as women who want to travel alone and join other like minded people. Our trips would be enjoyed more by people who seek more space and expression in their lives.

Baljit Singh

What do you gain by participation in “Trips to let go “
1. Explore beautiful places.
2. Make new friends.
3. Express yourself and celebrate life.
4. Find a loving space of gentle attention, and unconditional acceptance
6. Find a safe space to feel uninhibited and free.
5. Restore your spontaneity.
6. Learning to drop our guards and let out completely.
7. Learn various new skills and spiritual exercises to discover and heal yourself.
8. Hone your social skills.
9. Get in touch with your inner self

Duration : Trips of all durations: day picnics, weekend trips, 7- 8 days trips to 10- 15 days explorations

Who can join : Although anyone can Join our Trips, however those who are genuinely interested in delving deeper into themselves and are willing to bond with others will enjoy our trips more and also contribute more towards making these trips richer for others accompanying them. In order to make the most of these trips you must have an intent space to really let go and allow yourself your full experience.

Note : Using substances or alcohol is not encouraged on our trips, we don’t have any judgment on it, It is up to an individual to take his own decisions however the whole intention of these trips is to feel uninhibited and be crazy without using substances. And I personally believe that when we begin to understand ourselves and why we want to use substances, we would come face to face with a lot of our other unmet needs and repressed emotions. When we commit ourselves towards taking care of ourselves and working towards meeting all our needs as well as feeling our feelings then we wouldn’t want to be in these foggy states of mind induced by substances.

So if you are looking for a bar- be que along the bonfire and getting drunk we advise that you don’t sign up for these trips.

Note: All our trips are usually at relatively unexplored destinations it is extremely


             Coming Up

Fun & adventure around Saattal

28th to 30th November. ( 2 Nights/3 Days.)

: Saattal birding camp, Located 29 km away from Kathgodam railway station & 18 km from Nainital

Tour price: - Rs 7,999 ....more




Exploring Sariska & Around


Date: 30th to 31st January, 2010


Location: Alwar Bagh Resort, Sariska National Park

Tour price: - Rs 3,500





Minicoy Island, Lakshadweep

Date: March (to be announced)

Location :
Minicoy and other Islands in Lakshadweep.

Tour price: To be announced.

It this trip interests you, then write to us.